It is an exciting time in the world of dermatology and aesthetic procedures, with the advent of many non-surgical procedures such as muscle-relaxing toxins to soften expression lines, lasers and Intense Pulsed Light for skin rejuvenation, and fillers to restore volume in a balanced, natural way. The latest injectables and other non-invasive procedures, most involving little to no down time, have revolutionized prevention and treatment of wrinkles, sun damage and other signs of aging.  With beautiful, natural-looking results, these procedures gradually reduce the signs of aging to maintain a youthful look.  Dr. Alison Black, Cheryl Sundlov, PA-C and their well-trained staff can assist you in maximizing your true potential and achieving your personal best.  If you look good, you feel good…..our job at Las Colinas Dermatology is to make sure you look and feel great!
Explore the cosmetic procedures offered at Las Colinas Dermatology below. Please click on each for specific information on these treatments and all the other techniques available to give you more youthful, radiant skin. Call us at 972.432.0300 for more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alison Black or Cheryl Sundlov, PA-C.